Physical Therapy Conditions Treated
It is difficult to make a complete list of all of the "specific" diagnostic conditions that I can treat. I can deal with any specific diagnostic label that may be given to almost any body part from your head down to your toes.
I frequently tell my patients, when they come to me with a very specific diagnostic label, that my job is to treat the soft tissue, joint and nervous system dysfunctions that they bring me. I do not treat the "diagnosis" that they bring me. An example would be the patient who comes in with a supposed "rotator cuff tendonitis." Many times, the patient may be feeling pain in the shoulder, but the cause of the symptoms is really an issue with the cervical spine. I DO NOT TREAT YOUR SYMPTOMS. I TREAT THE UNDERLYING DYSFUNCTION. It is my job to do a thorough evaluation of your muscles, joints and nervous system in order to better determine the source of your symptoms. You bring me your symptoms, and I will do my best to identify the underlying dysfunctions that are most likely causing your symptoms.
A list of orthopedic conditions that I can treat include (but are not limited to):

- headaches
- TMJ pain and dysfunction
- neck pain and dysfunction
- lower back pain and dysfunction
- pelvic girdle and SI joint pain and dysfunction
- shoulder pain and dysfunction
- elbow, wrist and hand pain and dysfunction
- hip pain and dysfunction
- knee pain and dysfunction
- foot and ankle pain and dysfunction
- sports-related injuries
- work-related injuries
- accident-related injuries
- age-related dysfunctions